WTF Moments In Action

WTF Moments In Action

“WTF Moments In Action” Have you watched my WTF Call to Action video?  For the past few months, I have been sharing my Transforming Positivity Into Power work with you. This work has been centered around transforming WTF moments into Wisdom, Truth, and...
Meet Asneth: Give Grace

Meet Asneth: Give Grace

“Give Grace” As a self-proclaimed “Type A” overachiever; a first born daughter to African parents; and an immigrant in the US and the pressures to succeed that all these bring. I feel like I have had to work three times as hard to attain the...
Meet Julie: Take Up Space

Meet Julie: Take Up Space

1. You chose “Take up Space” as your personal motivation that most exemplify you and how you show up for others. Please explain why. As a white woman, my first thought about the idea of “taking space” as an option for coping with these WTF moments was “I think I need...
Meet Ellen: Do the Work

Meet Ellen: Do the Work

1. You chose “Do the Work” as your personal motivation that most exemplifies you and how you show up for others. Please explain why. I chose Do the Work because it strongly connects to my own anti-racism (anti-oppression) journey – a journey that has...