“Once I learned to like me more than others did, then I didn’t have to worry about being the funniest or the most popular or the prettiest. I was the best me and I only ever tried to be that.”
– Issa Rae


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Wisdom • Truth • Fortitude

My Stories

Celebrating the Power of Women

As we prepare to bid adieu to Women’s History Month, it’s essential to remember that the spirit of this month is not confined to just thirty-one days—it’s a commitment we carry with us 24/7/365. 

I am thrilled to share a feature that not only showcases the core of my work but also echoes the continuous celebration of women’s contributions and achievements. 

A heartfelt thank you to the women of NCCO for this feature! Your recognition is an honor.

Introducing "The Serenity Plan” Workbook

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my latest offering: “The Serenity Plan” Workbook! Designed to be your companion on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, this workbook is a powerful tool for cultivating serenity, resilience, and empowerment in your life.

At the heart of this workbook lie 12 Serenity Guiding Principles like —Matching Energy, Protecting Your Peace, and Embracing Joy. These principles serve as the foundation for crafting a life filled with fulfillment and well-being.

Navigating 2024: A Journey of Soul Care, Serenity, and Ripples of Transformation & Positivity

As we step into the second month of the year, the possibilities still feel limitless, and the horizon of opportunities remains stretched out before us. It’s still that time when many set resolutions, make plans, and envision their path ahead. Yet, amidst these aspirations, I’ve come to realize that there’s an essential element often overlooked—our soul care plan. This was my revelation of 2023.

The Power of Community: Aligning My Passions to Make A Difference.

Did you know that recent studies show that women with a close community of friends have lower stress levels, more robust immune systems, and even heal faster from physical wounds? 

This incredible phenomenon is unique to women and their relationships with other women. It’s one more reason I am passionate about creating a community of empowered women.

WTF Moments In Action

Have you watched my WTF Call to Action video? Well in the midst of recording this CTA, I had my very own WTF Moment, I was struggling! I was having some severe uneasiness about being seen, to the point that I actually had a difficult time getting the words out. It was a WTF moment for me because I realized how much I still limit myself.

WTF Journey: New Moon Intention Setting Workshop

You’ll leave feeling energized, rejuvenated, and connected by participating – and looking forward to the next WTF Journey! It’s a strong foundation for new relationships, a gift we desperately need these days. Humans are not meant to be alone, and the pandemic has done a very effective job of shattering communities and encouraging isolation.

The Stories of Women Who Are Transforming Positivity Into Power

“Be of Service”

At a certain point in my life I realized I am happiest when I feel useful. This is not just a superficial happiness – it’s a deep sense of contentment and feeling right with the world. The Dalai Lama says “The root of happiness is altruism – the wish to Be of Service to others.” I believe it’s in my own best interest to do what I can to help others. – Marianne

"Do the Work"

I chose Do the Work because it strongly connects to my own anti-racism (anti-oppression) journey – a journey that has been nothing short of transformative for me and how I live.  – Ellen

"Give Grace"

In my interactions with others now, I strive to pass the lesson to others reminding them “to first give themselves grace and always look to give others grace”.  Give grace, reminds me of my favorite quote: “Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle”. – Asneth

"Take Up Space"

As a white woman, my first thought about the idea of “taking space” as an option for coping with these WTF moments was, “I think I need to take less of it.” As I thought more about it, I realized that my privilege has influenced how I show up and take space, and while I am working on taking less in certain situations, I still struggle with taking space in some areas of my life. It’s been a journey that has really shaped who I am and how I show up for myself and others. – Julie

Are you ready to transform your WTF?! moments? Let’s get started…