“Transforming Positivity into Power ”

I don’t know about you, but pandemic life has left me with a mess regarding my mental and physical health and well-being. The craziness of working from home, the anxiety of the constant unknown, the fear of being exposed or getting sick or of a loved one getting sick, the loneliness, loss, and panic — it’s been a whirlwind of circumstances that have left chaos and destruction everywhere you turn. In other words, it’s been one WTF moment after another!

But, as I’ve said before, WTF moments are great for revealing deeper truths. With a new normal slowly establishing itself, I recently realized that I needed to take a minute to look at my WTF moments and see what I could pull out to help me adjust and get on track with this version of normal.

My first step was to enlist a little help to lean into it and seek a new perspective to jumpstart this journey. That’s how I found myself attending a New Moon Intention Setting workshop with Jean Nitchals, complete with crystals grids and a sound bath workshop..

 There were so many incredible parts to this experience. I invited a few of my favorite women to join me in this space and was able to deep dive into a pool of new knowledge and experiences. I was immersed in powerful energy from the crystal grid to the sound bath meditation. There was so much to learn! And not just about the logistics of tapping into the new moon, crystals, and crystal grid energy.

I could sit in stillness, surrounded by women I felt deeply connected to, and focus on me, my mind, body, and spirit, and the delicate balance between them. It was an intentional pause in my life, and the result was powerful!

There’s something extraordinary about sharing vulnerable experiences with other humans, especially other women. We crave community and thrive on connection – two areas that the pandemic has effectively changed or even taken away from us. This workshop was a potent reminder of how crucial that piece is in my personal health and well-being journey.

There was so much about this experience that I absolutely loved, but the part that stuck with me was how opportunities like this can completely fill us up. And the best part is that there is a whole world of empowering and healing modalities out there, each with unique benefits and a variety of people with knowledge to share. Everyone deserves to feel these moments filled with self-care, self-love, and empowerment.

And that’s why I’m introducing a new element to my Transforming Positivity into Power brand. I affectionately refer to it as WTF Journeys, and I can’t wait for you to experience it!

Connection is difficult – whether it’s with ourselves, our friends, or our community. This is especially true as we get older, and find ourselves having to break into circles where friendship has already been established. And in our post-pandemic world, it can be add a whole other layer of complications. When combined with the other curves that have been thrown at us, we could all use a moment to recenter and learn to listen to our inner selves again.

WTF Journeys are group experiences focused on navigating the impact of WTF moments – like the pandemic – to find balance and community in our new normal. We’ve accomplished a lot on our own since the pandemic started and there is still a lot happening in our world, but it’s time to start reconnecting with each other again.

When we come together in these safe environments, we can participate in self-care and nurture our self-love. We can create new connections and build relationships – both with ourselves and others.

We can pause long enough to take a deep breath and regain our composure. These experiences will provide unique opportunities for healing and empowerment that allow us to recenter and realign ourselves with the world, our community, and the aspects of our lives that are truly important.

As I mentioned earlier, I invited a couple of close friends to join me at the New Moon Intention Setting workshop, and building connections like those is another piece of WTF Journeys that is so magical. By sharing these intimate experiences with other women who are on similar journeys, you’ll make new connections in a way that doesn’t often happen as an adult.

You’ll leave feeling energized, rejuvenated, and connected by participating – and looking forward to the next WTF Journey! It’s a strong foundation for new relationships, a gift we desperately need these days. Humans are not meant to be alone, and the pandemic has done a very effective job of shattering communities and encouraging isolation.

It’s time to take those back! It’s time to rebuild in a way that honors the experiences, anxieties, and changes of the past few years but also embraces the new normal so we can move forward together.

Click the button to join the mailing list to be notified of the next WTF Journey!

I’m excited to take this next step, and I can’t wait for you to join me!